Remove default share buttons from Dynamic Views Blogger

Dynamic views is now used by many people. But everyone don't want every feature of Dynamic views and e the share buttons are a feature that many Blogger users asked me how to remove it, this tutorial is specially for them.

Why one would want to remove the social share feature ?

Good question, the answer is that people having private blog don't need the share feature at all and even if the blog is not private some might just want keep away from social sites. Whatever the reason is, there's no option in Dynamic views to disable the search features and that's why you are here to learn how to remove it. Continue for the trick to hide/remove the share buttons

The trick

A one line code can work like a charm to hide elements from a page and for the share buttons in Dynamic views this one line CSS will do the job. Copy the CSS code below and then follow the instruction to add it
.share-controls {display:none !important;}
To add this CSS into your Dynamic views template Go to Blogger Dashboard -> Template -> Customize -> Advanced -> Add CSS -> Paste the CSS and hit Apply to Blog and that's it.
Check your updated page by refreshing your page with CTRL+F5.

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