No wonder , it's a new Facebook Scam , this scam greed the victims to show who visited your profile, and when they click on the link provided in post , status start to post itself without the profile owner knowledge !
It looks like this :

You all are now familiar with the last big scam attack on Facebook which showed a video where Wardrobe Malfunction On LIVE TV was shown but when somebody click on it and then go to the video page there it will prompt you to prove that you are over 18 so that you can view the video and say click on a button to prove , never do this mistake , as soon as you click on that button , your profile will automatically post that video (scam) link on your friends wall and this becomes viral !
So always check the link carefully, if you find anything wrong never visit those links or you can say GoodBye to your Facebook Account.
So friends beware! and Happy Facebooking !