Solving Blogger Template Error for AdSense Ad Implementation

If you are recently enrolled in AdSense and you are trying to implement ad code that you got from AdSense directly in your Blog's template you might have run into problems, we will walk you through fixing it.

If you are trying to add code from AdSense which looks something like this (there is a difference between the two codes, which we will explain)

Demonstration of the ad code in Blogger template and the error that occurs

<script async src="//
<!-- leaderboard -->
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});


<script async src="//
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

The the only difference between the two snippet is that the first one displays an ad, whereas the second one is used only to load AdSense's JavaScript files.

In many cases to improve page load speed you just want to load the scripts once because AdSense ad codes always include the ad-block HTML code as well as the scripts. Or when you are enabling Page Level Ads the script tags needs to be added in the template once, the following code is give, which you are supposed to implement in your Blogger's template / theme

The error that you might be getting when trying to add these code snippet in your template is

Attribute name "async" associated with an element type "script" must be followed by the ' = ' character. 

Fixing the error

There's nothing wrong with the code, according to HTML5's standard it is an error free code, but Blogger's template / thee is coded in XML and it fails to parse it because of a small part in the codes

Right now we have (note that we are only displaying the part of code that requires modification, rest should be left untouched),

<script async src="//
pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js [...]

The problem here is that the "async" attribute has no values passed into it, for e.g "src" has a "=" sign with a value in it. All we need to do is pass a value to the attribute and Blogger will accept it.

<script async="async" src="//
pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js [...]

Notice the difference between the two snippets. We have set it async="async", that makes it comply with XML thus Blogger accepts it and saves the template without any error.

That's pretty much everything to it. Follow the steps given above and save the template, it must parse the code without any problems. If you are facing problems implementing ad-code other than this then don't hesitate to let us know in the comments (add a screenshot for better help)