Blogger Favicon not Updating - Fixed

Favicon is a small icon file attached optionally to a web page using a link element as the website's icon to appear in the tabs, bookmarks and on different areas in various browsers.
From the beginning we had default Blogger "B" icon as the favicon for our blogger hosted blogs but as more people wished to have their own different favicon on their blog, Blogger launched a new feature using which you could upload your own Favicon file from the Layout tab in your Blogger Dashboard.

This was a great upgrade for Blogger users, as we could now upload our own Favicon file on the the same domain. Favicon has different behaviors in different browsers. And most browser needs the icon to be on the same domain as the blog. It means if you add a link to include your own favicon from a different source, most of the browsers will ignore it and that's why it's important to have the favicon on your domain like this.
If it is hosted on the the same domain as where it is going to be displayed the browser gives it more importance and  only loads that Favicon.

But it is just an introduction to the favicon in Blogger or websites, in Blogger Forums we see many people asking why their Favicon isn't appearing even after they uploaded it and that's a little difficult to explain in a forum, so I am writing this post. Read below for the fix.

Updating your Favicon

That's a common problem among people who tries to update their Favicon. Even being related to a small part of a website, most people become serious about a favicon.

Before you proceed for the fix, make sure you have successfully uploaded the Favicon in your Blogger Dashboard -> Layout.

1. Refresh your Blog

This is the first try for the fix, if it works then it's fine but if it doesn't move onto the next.

It often happens due to the caches stored in your PC and therefore even the blog has been updated on the server it just loads the cached files to make the loading faster and doesn't request the server for a new and updated content. It can be fixed by refreshing your blog using  CTRL+F5(Windows) or CMD+F5(MAC). It must fix the problem but it has a 50 percent chance, if it didn't worked, move onto next fix.

2. Refresh the Favicon itself

I noticed that the website and favicon on that domain are cached separately, I am not sure about the exact reason but maybe it's because favicon needs to be used in bookmarks so it's separately stored by the browser for use in bookmars and other areas in the browser where it might need to use the site's Favicon. We can play a small trick to refresh the Favicon cache too, here's the way.

We know that Favicon for Blogger blogs are stored on the domain and it's name favicon.ico, it's simple that we can find our Favicon here.
http://[yourblog] (Replace the blog name in the URL)
If you have recently uploaded your Favicon but you are seeing the old default Blogger Favicon then your problem is now almost solved. On the Favicon page just press CTRL+F5(Windows) or CMD+F5(MAC) and you will see your own Favicon on that URL, it means we are successful in getting the new content on that URL from the server. 

Now when you will open your blog you will see the new Favicon.

Solution could have been easier

The fix could have been shorter and faster, by deleting the complete caches from your browser it would have been updated without trying the above fixes, but it's not always wiser to use easier solution. The reason we didn't clear the complete cache was that it would have removed caches of every webpage and you don't want to lose all important information from your browser.

Drop your comments if you have any further questions and we will be there for your rescue :)